To Everson’s Daddy

Happy Father’s Day, Nick!  Everson is the luckiest boy in the world to have you as his Daddy.  And I am SO grateful to have you as my parenting sidekick.  There is no one else I would have rather had making me PB & J toast when I was so sick during the pregnancy and could barely keep any food down.  There is no one else I would have rather had next to me during those painful contractions that helped bring our son into this world, and no other voice I would’ve rather heard telling me how strong I was.  There is no one else I would have rather gone through the first few nights home from the hospital when Everson cried his head off as we had to wean him off the donor breast milk.  Thank goodness you stayed calm amidst both his and my tears!  There is no one else I would have wanted to drive with during the middle of the night when driving was the only thing that put Everson to sleep. (I’m still mad that McDonald’s turns off their shake machine after 2am. That was so not cool).  There is no else I would have wanted by my side as we took Everson on his first ride in the stroller or when we first saw him roll over.

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I sometimes say you are the “man of my dreams,” but that’s not an accurate statement. You are too good.  I never could have dreamt you up.  How many husbands would get up with their wives throughout the night, every night for the first month of their baby’s life? Nursing was so hard at first, but you were so supportive sitting next to me ready to refill my water bottle, grab a burp cloth, or change Everson’s diaper.  You did ALL that, then still went to work each day.  That alone should grant you some kind of award.

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Your love for Everson is so evident. The way you want to hold him and play with him every second from the time you get home from work until he goes to bed.  The fact that his first sneeze in the hospital was so precious that it made you tear up.  The way you pray for him to not only know God, but your hope for him to have a deeply intimate friendship with Jesus.  I love watching him make you smile so big when he’s smiling back at you and how his “judgmental looks” make you laugh so hard.  Hearing you sing Of Monsters and Men songs to him instead of normal lullabies is so very cute and so very you. And the way you strive to be the best dad and husband you could ever be means so much to me.

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Everson does not yet know just how blessed he is to be your son, but someday he’ll realize he hit the jack pot when he got you for a Dad.

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Happy Father’s Day to you, my Love.  You are the best husband for me and dad for our baby boy that I could ever imagine.